2017 China KunMing Heritage Tours
On the afternoon of July 2th, Guan Jiangqi and Wu Cuiling gathered together in the Kunming SWI. The two little girls were departed from the Kunming SWI separately in 2001 and 2002, and then were adopted by the kind-hearted foreign adoptive families.
In that afternoon, the guide picked up two adoptive families from the Green Lake Hotel and headed for the Kunming SWI where the girls once stayed. In order to help them to recall their former memories, the SWI specifically arranged the working staff to bring them around in the children’s playroom, early education classroom, reading room, recovery room and recreation facilities. In addition, the families also met some nannies and teachers taking good care of children in different ages. Afterwards, they looked through files recording the SWI entrance, adoption and growth-up situation of the two children, and dwelling on the past life experiences and growing funs. After the exchanging gifts between the SWI staff and adoptive families, this return visit drew to a successful end.
Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Kunming You will:
- Visit the orphanage and finding site
- Meet the nanny or foster family
- Experience local highlights and culture
- Get the first hand price from local agency