2017 Heritage Tours to China ChangDe
The Changde SWI welcomed the return visit of an American adoptive family on June 13th.
Chang Xizhi, adopted in 1999,have just graduated from high school. This summer, under the accompany of her parents, Chang Xizhi returned back to where she once lived -- the Changde SWI.
On that morning, our guide gathered with the family in Changsha hotel and set out for the Changde SWI. After two and a half hour's drive, the adoptive family arrived in the SWI. They were accorded a cordial reception by the director Peng and related working staff of the SWI and were led to the meeting room for being seated. The director expressed their warm welcome and appreciation to the adoptive family. Because of their compassionate acts, their "Changde daughter" could come back to the warm family life.
Having completed the welcome ceremony, the adoptive family read through the records of their child and took some photos for memory.
Chang Xizhi's mother left some words she wanted to say on the guest book.
Afterwards, the director fervidly invited the adoptive girl to select her favorite one among all painting works of the SWI disabled children as a present from the SWI.
After that, the SWI arranged the family to visit the kids zone and adjoining old building where the girl once lived.
The whole SWI return visit was ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Then the family went sightseeing in Hunan Changsha and Phoenix ancient city. We sincerely hope that Chang Xizhi can have a deep impression on her homeland through the Homeland Heritage Tour.
Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Changde You will:
- Visit the orphanage and finding site
- Meet the nanny or foster family
- Experience local highlights and culture
- Get the first hand price from local agency