2017 China Heritage Tours to ChaoYang CWI

Travel Date: Apr 25th, 2017

The Chaoyang CWI ushered a return visit tour of a Dutch family on April 25th.

Gregor and his wife lived in the Netherlands. The couple adopted two children separately from the Chaoyang CWI of Liaoning province in 2008 and the Dianbai SWI of Guangdong province in 2005. Many years have passed since then, two children have been looking forward to coming back to their homeland, knowing more about the culture and beauty of the homeland, visiting the places where they came from and meeting the kind people who once looked after them. Their wishes finally came true in 2017 summer holiday.

Gregor had been prepared for the root seeking tour of great significant for the children a year in advance. After several months of planning, a 22-day itinerary was set down at last. This itinerary was a combination of Beijing, Guilin, Yangshuo as well as Longsheng sightseeing tour and two return visit tours of the SWI as well as the CWI. It was worth mentioning that Gergor reserved enough time for two children to explore the Chaoyang CWI and the Dianbai SWI so that they could know better about their birthplace.

Min An, the boy in the photo below, spent a period of time in the Chaoyang CWI between 2005 and 2008. In the first few years of his life, nannies in the CWI took good care of him until the warm-hearted Dutch couple adopted him.

That day of the return visit, the adoptive family checked the previous data of the boy in the Chaoyang CWI and met some nannies who looked after him. Then they paid a visit to the children’s playroom, recovery room and so on under the leadership of the working staff here.

After the CWI return visit, the adoptive family went to the place where the boy was picked up and took some photos for memory.

Afterward, the guide arranged a lunch with Chinese characteristics for the family.

“Look! I can use chopsticks!” Mom was quite excited.

During that period of time when they stayed, the family also visited several local attractions.  

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Chaoyang You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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