2017 China Heritage Tours to Guilin SWI
On June 12th, Guilin SWI welcomed the return visit from an American family.
A couple of pretty twin sisters were born in Guilin on July 31th,2004. unfortunately, this pair of beautiful angels were abandoned by their natural parents. Then they were sent to the Guilin SWI. But they are so fortunate to have a very special foster mom (Xiao Peng) in their Guilin Foster Care Program. Xiao Peng has provided a loving home for 11 orphaned children over the past several years, with ten of her fostered children being twins! She was such an incredibly kind women who always wanted to have more children. She was known as the mother with "double love" because of her love to her twins.
"To meet with the foster family is by far the most important part of our return trip!" Susan, adoptive mom of the Guilin twins, said while contacting with us. In order to realize the family's dream, we contacted the Guilin SWI and foster parents of the twins in advance to make sure they could meet with each other on that day of the return visit. Finally we made it!
Guilin's weather was very comfortable on June. Ten years later, when the family were back in this familiar place, they couldn't hide their happiness.
On the day of return visit, the adoptive family brought their deliberate love-gift.
In the SWI, the twin sisters eventually met their foster parent who had attentively looked after them.
The girls were very excited and couldn't wait to take out their photo album to introduce their life in America.
Having seen so happy life of the twin sisters in their adoptive family, Xiao Peng felt quite gratified. Love Without Boundaries! It was precisely because of those caring hearts, several strangers could be possible to be closely linked with each other across the ocean. This return trip ended in a happy atmosphere. Afterwards, the adoptive family went sightseeing in beautiful Guilin and Yangshuo for 2 days.
Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Guilin You will:
- Visit the orphanage and finding site
- Meet the nanny or foster family
- Experience local highlights and culture
- Get the first hand price from local agency