Adoptees Travel Back to China Guilin SWI
In early May, Stefan and wife Wihelmina brought their two adoptees from China back to their birthplace and start a China heritage tour.
In September 2006, Qin Haoxi was abandoned by his natural parents shortly after his birth. In the next two years, he had been living in the Guilin SWI, where the little boy was carefully nurtured. But the SWI would never give him the family love and life. Fortunately, a Dutch couple established a formal adoption relationship with Qin Haoxi in 2008. since then, he was taken to begin a new life in the Netherlands. And not only that, in 2012, his family had a younger brother from the Ningbo Enmei CWI. With the accompany of a person in a similar background and fate, it would be more conductive to the healthy growth of two children.
Qin Haoxi was much too young when he left China. So Stefan had painstakingly planned this Heritage Returning tour so as to help him build an impression of his hometown.
In the day of return visiting the SWI, the adoptive family was warmly welcomed by the staff. Afterwards, the family also visited some well-known scenic spots in Guilin.
Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Guilin You will:
- Visit the orphanage and finding site
- Meet the nanny or foster family
- Experience local highlights and culture
- Get the first hand price from local agency