A Return Trip to Jiangcheng SWI in Yangjiang
On June 29, Tammy and husband took their younger daughter to visit the Jiangcheng Social Welfare Institution in Yangjiang city.
In the morning, the adoptive family gathered in the hotel lobby with the guide at the appointed time. They were also very kind enough to buy some presents for the children in the orphanage.
Meanwhile, the SWI director was preparing snacks and tea for the coming of the adoptive family. She was just the lady who had handed over the child to the adoptive family personally.
Time flies well years. Seeing the child again, the director Lin can't help embracing her repeatedly. She paged through the growth album prepared by the adoptive family in real earnest. Having learned that the child was very well off there, her face was breaking into a loving smile all along. Later on, the director Lin held Sophie's little hand gently and led the adoptive family to visit the SWI.
Tammy said, "We knew Sophie was loved while she was there, but today proved it".
Each adoptive family paying a return visit to the SWI shares a same purpose: hoping the children to know where they lived at the beginning of their life, thank everybody there, and make sure that they are loved and are always remembered.
Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Yangjiang You will:
- Visit the orphanage and finding site
- Meet the nanny or foster family
- Experience local highlights and culture
- Get the first hand price from local agency