2016 Tian China Heritage Return Tour to Yangjiang SWI
Jonathan and Laurie couple adopted their daughter Tian whose Chinese name is Yang Zhu from the Yangjiang SWI in 2003. With the hope of making Tian more familiar with her heritage, her mother Laurie wanted us to arrange a China Heritage Return Tour for them.
The Tian family arrived in Guangzhou on June 27, our guide drove the family to Yangjiang after receiving them in the airport. After a night of rest, the family was lead to the Yangjiang SWI of Guangdong province on June 28. The director welcomed them enthusiastically and had a small chat with the family. The director described the situation of the SWI and also answered many questions the family were interested.
Then the director took the family to look around in the SWI. They also shared a traditional Chinese lunch together near the SWI. After the lunch, the family visited the place where Tian was picked up and went back to hotel for the rest.
The next day, our guide sent the family back to Guangzhou and accompanied them to tour the Guangzhou city. On June 30, the family were reluctant to leave Guangzhou and finish the pleasant tour. It is a tiring but memorable experience in the life of Tian!
Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Yangjiang You will:
- Visit the orphanage and finding site
- Meet the nanny or foster family
- Experience local highlights and culture
- Get the first hand price from local agency