China Orphanage Visits to ChangNing CWI

Travel Date: Aug 15th, 2018

On August 15th, Ning Wenna whose English name is Alice paid a return visit to the Changning CWI in the company of her family, which made perfect sense to her. In almost a year after she was born, the little girl had been taken good care of here until an American couple adopted her.

In the name of Ning Wenna, Ning is drawn from her birthplace Changning, and Wenna is used to describe a gentle and pretty girl. Time flies well years, 13 years passed quickly. Today’s Wenna indeed fit the moral of her name. Meanwhile, Wenna had never stopped the curiosity about her origin.

On the orphanage visit day, the guide picked up the adoptive family from the hotel and drove to reach the Changning CWI. Upon their arrival, the director He of the CWI received them in the meeting room. The adoptive family checked the record of Wenna and was given some precious photos. Afterwards, they visited the children’s activity room, where they had cordial interactions with the children.

According to the introduction of the CWI staff, Ning Wenna was born on September 21th 2004 and in good health. Shortly after her birth, the little baby girl was abandoned at the Quanfeng car door. Based on this information, the CWI arranged the staff to accompany the family to visit the place where the girl had been abandoned.
After that, the CWI invited the adoptive family to shared a lunch graciously. We believe that the adoptive family must be able to feel "we are welcome".

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Hengyang You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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