China Orphanage Visits to ChiBi CWI

Travel Date: Sep 09th, 2019

On the morning of September 9, Pu Fuquan, an adopted child from Chibi City Children's Welfare Institute, returned to the orphanage to seek roots with her family.

In October 2012, two-year-old Pufu Quan was adopted by an American couple. After more than six years, Fuquan has become a confident little girl. As the child grows up, the adoptive parent hopes to bring the child back to China, return to her birthplace and orphanage, to visit those people who had taken care of Fuquan and express their great gratitude to them face to face.

After receiving the notice, the staff of Chibi CWI  prepared the banner of "welcome home" in advance. In the reception room, the adoptive family and the orphanage staff sat together and had a cordial talk.

The return visit can not only enhance the understanding of the adopted children to the motherland, but also help them to find their own identity. We believe that this return visit canl not only enhance Fuquan's understanding of the homeland, but also help her find her own identity.

Here are some photos of the visiting day.

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Chibi You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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