2015 China Homeland Tour to Gaozhou SWI in Guangdong Province

Travel Date: Jun 25th, 2015

This is a China homeland travel of a family (parents and 1 kid) from USA. The daughter (Meilin) was adopted from Gaozhou Children Welfare Institute in 2000. And they asked us to arrange a one-day tour to this SWI from Guangzhou on June 25th.

Welcome back, Meilin!

After their arrival in Gaozhou orphanage, the director welcomed them warmly. And they took photos together at the old gate of Gaozhou SWI in memory of Meilin's back home.

The director talked with the family at the meeting room. They both shared Meilin's growth story to each other. Then the director sent Meilin a gift with special meaning to wish her had a bright future.

The director and staff took the family to visit the finding place- The Health Court for Women and Children of Gaozhou city.

The family had a good time in this trip. It is really a special journey for them especially for their daughter Meilin. She was moved by the deep love and concern from her motherland and this brought her great happiness and strong spiritual power to try her best to do well in the future.

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Maoming You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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