One day Heritage Tour To Huangmei SWI

Travel Date: Mar 29th, 2016

Reijo adopted his daughter Miila from Huangmei SWI in Hubei province in 2004. Reijo gets contact with us to arrange a one-day heritage return tour for Miila, because he wants her daughter to knowmore about her birth place and homeland. We can see Reijo is a modest andgentle father through communication and he has done a lot of preparations forthis return tour.

March 29 was an important day for Miila.Early in the morning, our guide picked them up from the hotel to their long-awaited Huangmei SWI. The director and SWI staff meet and welcomed the Reijofamily warmly. The director led them to the meeting room for a pleasantconversation. Director introduced the general situation of the social welfareinstitution and children here, and then took out the previous files of Miila.Looking at the files, mixed feelings were filled with the heart of Reijofamily.

Having finished the simple conversation, they had lunch together in the SWI. In the afternoon, the director showed the familyaround the internal SWI and related facilities. It was just so happened thatmany other families also paid a return visit to the SWI. Therefore, allfamilies, director and SWI staff took a group picture in memory of thisunforgettable experience.

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Huanggang You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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