2016 China Heritage Tour to Chongqing China

Travel Date: May 12th, 2016

Pan Jiao, born in 1995, is a girl very early adopted by the foreign families from Chongqing, China. The Alison family from Canada adopted her and would like us to have a China return journey for her.

On May 12, our guider went to pick up the Alison family (The Alison couple, Pan Jiao and her sister) from the hotel at eight forty-five. On the road, I told them that Pan Jiao is the eldest girl paying a return visit to Chongqing CWI. Having heard this, Pan Jiao seemed a little excited as well.


When they arrived in the Chongqing CWI, the Director and the staff had already greeted them at the door. Although many staff once taking care of Pan Jiao were retired, the Chongqing CWI still welcomed the Alison family warmly. The Director Yang led the family to visit the environment and rooms the children here lived in. They took a group pictur ewith the director to mark the occasion.  


Pan Jiao also took a picture with the section chief Chen who was working in the CWI before Pan Jiao was adopted.


When they came to the children’s playroom, the family suddenly stopped to play with these cute children. Mrs. Alison held a child and even feed the child. She recalled the scene when they first came here to adopt Pan Jiao. The staff joked to Pan Jiao that she can adopt a child from the Chongqing CWI in future. But Pan Jiao answered seriously that she had always planned to help the children here.


After looking around the whole CWI and meeting these kind-hearted staff, the family exclaimed that the Chongqing CWI is the best CWI they’d ever seen. They also visited the Chongqing city in the afternoon.  


Then the family was taken to the village nearby the Chongqing to experience all aspects of life in Chongqing. The China homeland return tour is completed successfully.

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Chongqing You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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