China Homeland Tours to Yangjiang Orphanage

Travel Date: Apr 18th, 2017

On the morning of April 18th, a British couple brought their daughter Yang Ou who was adopted from the Yangjiang SWI 14 years ago for a return tour to China.  

For Yang Ou's better understanding of her homeland, the family arrived in Guangzhou on April 16th after their Beijing,Xi’an and Chengdu Tour. During their stay in Guangzhou, the family visited Chen Clan Temple as well as Shamian Island and went to Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau to look at files recording the little girl’s admission process, adoption, physical condition and etc.

On April 18th, Yang Ou family drove to the Yangjiang SWI accompanied by their guide. The working staff in the SWI warmly welcomed the coming of the family and expressed their appreciation to the adoptive parent for their careful nurturing and love which let the child back to the family life, feel the warmth of family and grow up healthily.

The meaningful Heritage Return Tour left the family a quite happy and lifelong memory!

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Yangjiang You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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