One Day Adoption Return tour to Nanjing SWI

Travel Date: Nov 09th, 2015

This is a homeland travel of a family (parents and 1 daughter) from USA. The daughter (Liana) is adopted from Nanjing Social Welfare Institute in 1994. In this November, they get a chance to have one day to visit this SWI.

Welcome back home, Liana!

The officer in the SWI shows the family Liana’s files.

The family exchange gifts with the officer

The doctor in the SWI introduces Liana’s medical condition when she was a baby.

Visit the playroom of the children

Nanjing city tour to visit the Ancient City Wall after the orphanage visiting

Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Nanjing You will:

  • Visit the orphanage and finding site
  • Meet the nanny or foster family
  • Experience local highlights and culture
  • Get the first hand price from local agency

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