2017 China Homeland Tour to Nanjing Orphanage
"Sometimes,I wonder where you are, what you are doing and if you think about me. Know that I hold nothing against you. On the contrary, I thank you for giving me the chance to have lived such a wonderful life. Know that I am happy and that I understand why you had to leave me. Some day, if I get the chance, I would love to meet you. I would like you to see who I have become so that you can be proud. I would also like you to able to see the miracle you have created: a family…" ---- from Every second written by Lian.
Lian's happy family (father,mother and her boyfriend)
Today our heroine is Lian from Canada. She was adopted by Stever Couple in 1998 from Nanjing Social Children Welfare Institute. The story happened on Feb.13 in Nanjing SWI where she had lived when she was a baby. On this important day,Lian seems a little anxious and excitement. But all this ends in happiness when she coming into the orphanage.
Meet the nanny in the orphanage
After that, the nanny give the gift to Lian with all the best wishes.
The following is visiting some children in the orphanage. Lian is playing with them.
Before they depart orphanage, Lian and her boyfriend took the picture.
Lian also thanks us for giving her this precious memory.
Here we also give our best wishes to the girl and her family. What the world will be like depends on how we look at it.
Based in China, LTC keep strong ties with the Chinese Government and Social Welfare Institutes throughout China. If you want to make a return trip to Nanjing You will:
- Visit the orphanage and finding site
- Meet the nanny or foster family
- Experience local highlights and culture
- Get the first hand price from local agency