Find a registered adoption agency(by CCAA)via website of China Center of Adoption Affairs and submit applications to CCAA.
The China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) is in charge of all adoptions from China, and they only accept applications submitted through a registered adoption agency. The CCAA maintains an extensive list of agencies on its website (see the links section). Some are better than others, and some have lower fees, so research to find your best option.
As a newly rocket-launched social media,Face book is a rather active gathering place with many energetic candidatestalking and sharing experiences of adopting Child from China. Log inand search the group you are interested in.
Yes, Alcoholism is often a deal killer,especially if the person hasn’t had a decade or more of sobriety.
Statistic analysis shows that there is ageneral perception that alcoholics make lousy parents. Aside from the fact that many alcoholics become verbally or physically abusivewhen they are drinking, they also tend to lie, miss important events, makeexcuses, and so on. Some of these behaviors may persist even duringperiods of sobriety. Meanwhile, there is also a general perception thatalcoholics tend to relapse, and may fall off the wagon many times.
You are suggested to have a talk with your China adoptionagent to check it is or isn’t.
Typically and generally speaking, a popularChinaadoption agency will tell you 18-24 months will be enough to have a NSN girl lessthan 2 years from start to finish. Here listed below are the Three biggestfactors decide how long you have to wait.
1. Professional International AdoptionAgency
It is the biggest factor in how long youhave to wait. The process of go through your paperwork, home study and waitingfor a referral for a specific special need can be quite long depending on youragency.
2. Girls or Boys
Special needs adoption from China is everchanging, and China is now able to place most of their minor special needsgirls domestically, so there are fewer available for international adoption.Boys on the shared list are often younger and with more minor special needsthan the girls because there isn’t so much competition for them.
3. Open to more needs might get you a matchsooner
Yes, it is definitely true, but you have toeducate yourself about the various needs. Once a time, one person was soexcited to get a referral for a 9 month old girl with cl/cp, and she thoughtcl/cp was a quick one surgery fix and hadn’t realized how much more involved itwas. Her doctor told her that for a child with cl/cp should have multiplesurgeries, years of speech therapy, probably the need for ear tubes, andpossibly some hearing loss. So, she had to reconsider her decision.
Mandarin, once the dialect of people livingin Beijing, is now the official language of China.Nowadays, it is taught in all schools, spoken in government offices, used inmainstream TV news shows and so on. However, people in different districts alsostill stick to their dialects and sub dialects even they know how to speakMandarin.
If your child has a nanny or fostercaregiver who tends to speak a local dialect or language at home, he/she willbe most fluent in that dialect or language, even if he/she has exposure toMandarin.
It doesn’t matte that you don’t know Chinese since China dialects and sub dialects area tonal language, totally different with English. It will cost you several yearsto speak fluent and accurate Chinese.
You can research using various sites andgroups:
Yahoo groups:
Rateyourchineseadoptiona gency
rateyourchinesesnadoptio nagency
also the website of the council on accreditation - can't remember that one offthe top of my head.
Finally, prepare a list of interview questions and call the agencies thatinterest you. You'll find that some stand out and others don't. Make sure to ask if they've ever been suspended by CCCWA and what their currentstatus is. Insist that they tell you their status RIGHT NOW, as well aswhat they expect it to be in 3-5 months.
You adoption agency will tell that thechances of twins were practically zero, but you still can have a try if youinsist on it and can stand years time. Some veeeeeeeery lucky people had theirdreams come true, but more people got broken dreams.
The China Foster Care System is running bythe SWIs. Typically, little one is caring in foster families and older childrenmay be taught at the SWI. You can sponsor foster children through this agencyand require them to send the foster reports to you or put you in touch with thefamily who fostered the child you sponsored. Regular updated pics or reportswill be great fortune.