Assemble your application dossier andcomplete adoption application provided by registered adoption agency
Application Dossier includes a long list ofsupplementary documents, and all of those documents will need to be notarized,certified by your Secretary of State and then authenticated by the ChineseConsulate that is responsible for your home state. You are suggested to prepareit really earlier, and most of people to get all those files ready in at least6 months.
Application Dossier: a cover letter,certified copies of health documents, a criminal background check, taxdocuments or a letter from a CPA stating your yearly income, and pictures ofyou and your home etc. Alone with all the supplementary documents, you’ll alsosend your application to your adoption agent, including your preferences inage, sex, and health status of your child.
Think long and hard about the preferencesyou list - the decisions you make will determine what child will join yourfamily, and if you decide to change your preferences later, it can delay theprocess or even bring it to a halt. It should be noted that while the CCAAmakes an effort to meet the requests of parents, files are matched based on thedate that they are logged in with the CCAA with the files of children who arepaper ready at the time. Individual requests may not be possible to meet,especially requests for a very narrow age range. Once your dossier iscompleted, your agency will submit it to the CCAA.
We took one case for your reference. Herelisted below are the total costs.
1. AgencyApplication fee--$250
2. Agency Fee--$3500
3. Dossier processing fee--$1500
4. Home study fee--$500 (during ourwait, we had to update our home study 2 times. I won't add those fees in)
5. Post placement fee (we only need 2reports)--$400
6. USCIS (we were I600) + 2biometrics--$890 (we had to renew these 3 times during our wait, but I won'tadd all of them in)
7. CCAA Special needs Child Fee--$490
8. State fingerprints/background checkfor 2--$110 (during our wait, we had to renew these 3 times. I won't add those all in.)
9. 3 copies DH birth cert--$49.50
10. Adoption Class registration for 2--$60
11. Wellness Exams/lab work for 2--$250
13. State documentation fees for all documents--$175
14. Passport photos--$20
15. Visas (3 of us traveled)--$295
16. In-country fees (including orphanage donation, lodging, guideservices)--$10000
17. Flights (3 of us traveled)--$6000
18. UPS/FEDEX fees--upwards of $200