At the CAB, a notarywill interview you and certify the birth certificate for your child. Theinterview is for official purposes only and is very brief. If you are verylucky you will visit the Children's Welfare Institute where he or she resides. China'sorphanages are called Children's Welfare Institutes (CWI) or Social WelfareInstitutes (SWI). Here you will finally meet your child and finalize the adoptionprocess. You will be interviewed again and sign the adoption paperwork. Youwill also need to make a required standard donation of $3000 to the CWI, plusthe cost of in-country adoption paperwork (typically $750 - $1500 additional).Once the adoption is final, you are fully and legally responsible for your newchild.
Yes, you must give the requested donation. Actually, donation is aeuphemism and a political correct term for what should be called “provincialtax”. You must pay and you must pay this amount. It is a fixed fee that issupposedly intended to cover all the expenses the orphanage has made for yourchild prior to you getting him or her. The donation is about 35000 RMB, anddepends on the exchange rate what that means for you.
Find a adoption agent and let them knowwhat you want to do, then, they will arrange it with the orphanage and provincialcivil affairs office, which could cost about $250 US. The process to apply forthe permission is easy.